jeudi 6 octobre 2011

You don`t always become what you eat

                                       Written by Stephen Leacock, The New Food is a short story about a Professor that has invented a highly concentrated form of food in the form of pellets. As a story goes on, a baby that goes by the name of Gustavus Adolphus swallows one of these pills and explodes into fragments. This short story’s style differs a lot from another short story called Old Habits Die Hard. These differences become more obvious once we analyze these short stories` characters, dialogues, word order and sentence types.  
                                        First of all, contrary to Old Habits Die Hard, The New Food`s character`s interact with each other which fleshes them out, ads more action into the story itself and provides us a break from long monotonous descriptions. In fact, not only The New Food`s characters actually have names, such as Plumb, Henry, Gustavus Adolphus, but they also communicate with each other through dialogues in paragraphs five and six. On the other hand, in Old Habits Die Hard, the Old woman and the old man don’t have any names and don’t even say a word through the whole story. To sum up, The New Food differs from Old Habits Die Hard in virtue of its characters and their interactions.

                                        In addition, The New Food`s sentence`s type is simple and contains a regular structure (subject, verb, complement) which makes it easier and pleasant to read. Meanwhile, Old Habits Die Hard has a very different style. For instance, it contains one-word sentences such as “Bedlam. Bedpan. Bedrgaggled. Bedfast.” Also, some of the other`s sentence`s word order is very complex and sometimes hard to understand. For example, “Old man in white gown” doesn’t have a verb among many other sentences. In brief, word order and sentence structure are very different in these short stories, one is read with ease and the other is hard to read.

                                        All things considered, the style of Leacock’s story differs from that of Silvera because of Leacock’s characters that happen to be more elaborated, dialogues, word order and sentence types.    

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